Everyone using this house church directory should use their own discernment in all interactions with the listed communities. We encourage you to ask questions to find out if a house church follows a healthy, New Testament pattern.  Visit a few times to help you understand the people as individuals and how they function together. Continue to ask God for discernment.

Since every house church has a different personality, it’s important to know yourself, as well as the group. Are you looking for a group that focuses on prayer and worship? Are you interested in spending more time on Bible discussion? Are you looking to connect with people who have similar passion for service or exercising gifts in similar ways? Some groups have a rich diversity across age, gender and stage of life. Other groups may be more focused on a similar stage of life; e.g., young families with little children.

Some house churches have found it helpful to have one or two representatives meet with individuals interested in joining the house church before extending an invitation to participate. This is often done at a public place such as a coffee shop. This meeting allows both the new person and the house church representatives to get to know one another and see if there is a good fit. This is a great time to talk about the culture of the house church and to understand each other’s hopes and expectations. The new person may then visit a few times, as both sides discern and confirm if this is where God is leading. A decision not to join after this introductory period, should not be interpreted as a rejection. It may just simply not be the right fit, and everyone can bless each other as they go their separate ways.