Listing Help

How to List a House Church

  1. Create an account and log in.

  2. Go to LIST.

  3. Enter House Church Name and Description.

  4. For Location, enter city or cross streets. If Google Maps finds this location, it should update Country, State, City and Zip Code successfully.

  5. Enter Zip/Postal Code.

  6. If you wish to refine the location where the pin is placed on the map, click the orange “Set Address on Map” button. Click and drag the pin to the desired location. For your privacy and security, it is highly recommended that you ‘pin’ your house church location on a nearby major cross street, not your actual address. (Please see FAQs for more best practices)

  7. The Phone and Email fields are optional. All visitors to the site will be able to create a profile. Once they have a profile, they will be able to communicate with you within the private messaging platform. You do not need to publish your phone number or email address when listing a house church, unless you wish. Use your discretion. If you enter something in the Phone or Email fields, the information will be shown to all visitors to the site, regardless of whether or not they have created a profile.

  8. Enter an appropriate image using the Images functionality. This is optional. Use images or photos which you own, or which do not violate copyright laws. You may enter multiple images.  Each image must be less than 2 MB.  If they are larger, you will get an error message.  (Note: The first picture uploaded will be the one shown on the FIND page for your listing.)

  9. Click Preview Listing. A new window will open for you to preview your listing.

  10. Go back to the original browser window to the listing submission form. If needed, edit here.

  11. Click the Submit Listing button to make your Listing appear on the FIND page

  12. IMPORTANT:  It may take 1-3 days for your listing to appear on the site.  We are reviewing all listings before publication. 

How to Edit Your Listing

  1. After logging in, go to the FIND page.

  2. Under My Dashboard click on My Listing. Click on the House Church name to go the detailed listing page

  3. Your detailed listing page shows an Edit and a Delete button at the bottom.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Make any changes using the listing form. (Note: If you upload more pictures, the first picture uploaded will be the one shown on the FIND page for your listing)

  6. Click Submit Listing.

How to Delete Your Listing

  1. After logging in, go to the FIND page.

  2. Under My Dashboard click on My Listing. Click on the House Church name to go to the detailed listing page.

  3. Your detailed listing page shows an Edit and a Delete button at the bottom.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. You will see a pop up asking “Are you sure you wish to delete this listing?”.

  6. Click OK.